Geography>Food Production>State Society>Technology>Money Economy> Domesticated Animals>Diseases.  

Food Production>State Society>Technology

Technology.  Technology arises from an artisan class.  Artisans originally worked to improve immediate food production/food gathering tools.  Their increasingly specialized function multiplies their ability to invent.  Their inventiveness is their value to the society, and they are rewarded by food produced by others.  Others use weapons produced by them.  Barter has been institutionalized within the society.  The stable location of the society (dictated by food producing areas under cultivation) allows artisans to create larger, less portable inventions.  Continuing invention of desirable tools may encourage contact with neighboring peoples.  Such contact can take two forms: war and barter.  If war, conflict favors those with the better weapons and the increased area solves the need for more territory for the population explosion.  Or contact may come through barter for better tools.  And physical barter leads to symbolic barter, the creation of a money economy.

Money Economy