Fundamentals of Ecology
Class Meeting
April 2013 (wk.14)
Water data for the San Juan Mtns region:

Above: 2012 River flow data - Animas

Above: 2013 Dust Storm Images - 4 Corners Region, 4/16
2013/106 04/16/2013 18:15 UTC
Aqua/MODIS 2013/106 04/16/2013 19:55 UTC
Dust storms in the Four Corners, Southwest United States
Dust storms in the Four Corners, Southwest United States
(morning overpass)
(afternoon overpass)
- Field/lab notebooks due beginning
of class - 50 pts total; general completeness & format (address questions
on lab hand-outs, as well as additional observations/notes)
- NBS Research Symposium
Thurs 4/18... (student talks & posters) 12:20 - 6:15pm, & 6:30-8pm!! Vallecito Room
(talks) & Ballroom (posters)
- Extra credit points for attending opening
talk &/or 2 student presentations (posters OR talks); submit 1 pg typed
summary - including relevance to Ecology - to me via email.
- Final Exam Monday 4/22,
4:30-6:30 pm - I will return your notebooks as you turn in
the final exam; don't forget to pick yours up please!!
Topics of the LAST DAY
- Questions from Mesa Verde trip?
- Closing - Ecological Subfields
- what are the main areas of
ecology we addressed?
- each group assigned to 1 of
- come up with an example that we
discussed/saw in lab at Mesa Verde that exemplifies your assigned sub-field
- develop an example of a
system/species (other) we studied or discussed - at the level of your
assigned sub-field - that is or may be affected by changing climate
- summarize with a
diagram/graph/concept map... whatever works best for your example
- present to class (Elmo!)
- turn in, with names
- Final Exam Study Guide
- Course Evaluations (ON-LINE)
- NBS Symposium!