Bio 320- Fundamentals of Ecology
Class Meeting Tues., 8 January 2013




Today's objectives:

  1. What do you already know about Ecology?
  2. Introduce the subfields of Ecology - hierarchies
  3. Course structure & Syllabus
  4. Group work & Peer learning
  5. Summarize group expectations & consequences to help establish effective group learning
  6. Articulate your personal learning goals for the course



Topic 1:  What do you already know about Ecology?





Topic 2:  Ecological Sub-Disciplines




Topic 3:  Course Structure



Topic 4:  Group/Team Work


Topic 5:  Personal Goals for this course

Think about 3 personal goals you wish to accomplish in this course.  By the end of the semester, what do you want to know & be able to do regarding ecology?

Write these goals on a piece of paper to turn in to me - I will compile them and post them on the webpage (anonymously)

See the summary of individual goals compiled by you & your classmates!