S. Fine-Dare
Professor of Anthropology & Gender/Womens
Affiliated Professor of Native American &
Indigenous Studies
Fort Lewis College
Department of Anthropology
281 Center of Southwest Studies
Fort Lewis College
Durango, CO 81301-3999
fine_k@fortlewis.edu, 970-247-7438
B.A., Anthropology, DePauw
University, Greencastle, Indiana, 1974
M.A., Anthropology, University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1980
Ph.D., Anthropology, University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1986
Dissertation title: Ideology, History, and Action in Cotocollao, a Barrio of Quito, Ecuador
Honors and awards
Roger Peters Distinguished
Professor Award, Fort Lewis College (2009)
Invited plenary panelist: II
Congress of Ecuadorian Anthropology, Quito, Ecuador (Nov. 4-8, 2006)
Fort Lewis College Featured
Scholar (Fall 2005)
Fulbright Lecture Scholar: Quito,
Ecuador (2004-05)
Invited speaker, Fort Lewis
College Commencement: Truth, Postmodernism, and the Liberal Arts (Dec. 1995)
Alice Admire Distinguished
Teaching Award, Fort Lewis College (1994-95)
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Fellowship
Phi Kappa Phi
Positions held
Professor of Anthropology &
Gender/Womens Studies, Fort Lewis College (1996- )
Affiliated Professor of Native
American & Indigenous Studies, FLC (2012- )
Visiting Professor, Masters
Program in Anthropology & Culture, Salesian
Polytechnic University, Quito, Ecuador (2005- )
Chair, Department of Anthropology,
Fort Lewis College (2007- , 1991-1996)
Associate Professor of
Anthropology and Women's Studies, Fort Lewis College (1990-96)
Assistant Professor of
Anthropology, Fort Lewis College (1986-1990)
Instructor, bilingual ed.
certification program, Farmington School District NM (1989)
Instructor (ABD), Department of
Anthropology, Fort Lewis College (1983-1986)
Research interests
Indigenous cultural politics and
repatriation; NAGPRA; history of anthropology; critical heritage studies neoliberalism
and education in Latin America and the U.S.; nationalism and postcolonial
theory; Latin American urban fiesta complex; intellectual property rights and
Native Americans; anthropology of gender and gender asymmetry; feminist theory;
ideological aspects of museum and cultural park interpretation and displays;
Area interests
Andean South
America (particularly Ecuador); Native North America; North America (popular
culture, museums); Hispanic and Native Southwest U.S.
Research grants awarded
Fort Lewis College Faculty Research
Development Grants (2011, 2009, 2008, 2003, 2001)
Fort Lewis College Foundation
Grant (2012, 2011, 2006)
Fort Lewis College Teaching
Research Development Grant- IRB & Native Americans (2008)
Fort Lewis College Foundation
Grant, study trip to Beijing (1995)
Teaching Development Grant, Fort
Lewis College (1993-94)
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological
Research fieldwork grant (1988)
Tinker Foundation Summer Fieldwork
Grant (1982)
University of Illinois Graduate
Scholarship Supplement Grant (1982)
National Science Foundation
Dissertation Supplement Grant (1980-82)
Grant funding received for Fort Lewis College: $804,000
Colorado Program of
Excellence-Department of Anthropology (with Amy Stenslien/Yeager)
($750,000) awarded to
the FLC Department of Anthropology by the Colorado
Commission on Higher Education (1998-2003).
NAGPRA Grant to Fort Lewis College
(with Philip Duke) Cultural Property, Cultural Privacy, and Repatriation: A
Collaborative Dialogue-- National Park Service (Aug 1995 $54,000)
Fort Lewis College sabbatical leaves awarded
Mountain Spirits: Sociality, Dance, and Personhood in the Historical Landscape
of Northwest Quito, Ecuador
Education and Social (In)Security in Ecuador (2004-2005)
Repatriation Issues in the Academy
(Fall 1995)
Consultation, speaking engagements, and off-campus
professional work
Invited speaker: DePauw University Department of Sociology
& Anthropology (2008); Doshisha University School
of Graduate
American Studies (2006); Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University
(Fall 2004); George Mason University (Fall 2004); Tattered Cover Bookstore,
Denver, Colorado, 2003
Spanish (fluent); French
(reading); Imbabura Quichua (good comprehension and
reading; minimal speaking); minimal training in German and in ancient and
demotic Greek
Anthropological fieldwork/professional travel
Cusco, Peru (2010, 1998)
Quito, Ecuador (Cotocollao sector): 5 weeks (2011); 2 weeks (2010); 6 weeks
(2003); 4 weeks (2013, 2008, 2007, 2006); 3 weeks (2000, 2001, 2002, 2005); 22
months (1988, 1986 ,1982, 1980-81, 1979)
Imbabura Province, Ecuador, 2 months (1982)
Beijing, China (NGO Conference on
Women; Aug-Sept 1995)
La Paz,
Bolivia (May 29-June 15, 1995)
Archival research
Research Archives, University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2008)
Archives of Mesa Verde National
Park (2006, 1998)
Archive of the Instituto
Otavaleo de Antropologa
(1981, 1982)
Archive of the Franciscan Order,
Quito, Ecuador (1981)
Archive of the Archbishopric of
Quito, Ecuador (1981)
Professional service and consultation
American Anthropological
Association Nominations Committee, elected to Cultural Seat (2013- )
Secondary review panel member,
Alaska Nanuuq Commission (TEK human-polar bear
interaction report; 2012)
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological
Research panel of reviewers (2012-2013, 1993)
Ecuatorianistas section of Latin American Studies
Association, advisory board member (2012- )
Editorial Board Member, The
Journal of Latin American Anthropology, 1999-2003
Fulbright Dissertation Grant Application Review
Panel - Institute of International Education (2009, 1997)
Invited member, Aztec National
Monument Comprehensive Interpretive Plan Task Force (2003-04)
Manuscript reviewer:
The International Indigenous
Policy Journal, Museum Anthropology, American Indian Quarterly, City and
Society, American Indian Law Review, American Anthropologist, Cultural
Anthropology, Culture and Agriculture, University of Illinois Press, University of Nebraska
Press, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,
Identities, Journal of Latin American Anthropology, Latin American Research
Review, Mayfield Publishing, University Press of Colorado, University of
Texas Press, Wadsworth, Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Studies, etc.
Ethnographic consultant, Southwest
Archaeological Services, Inc., Aztec, NM (1990)
Anthropological consultant, San
Juan National Forest Durango, CO (1988-90)
Colorado Council on the Arts Folk
Arts Master/Apprentice panel member (1991-93)
Western Colorado Museum small
grants reviewer (1991-1994)
Academic participant/writer for
The Mirror Project, funded by the U.S. West Corporation (1989)
Associate for Reviews, American
Ethnologist (1983); Assistant for Reviews, American Ethnologist (1979-80,
Courses taught
Anth 375: Museum & Critical
Heritage Studies (Fall 2013)
Anth 495/496: Senior Research Seminar in Anthropology
GWS 496: Senior Seminar in Gender
& Womens Studies
Anth 358: Native American Gender
Anth 151: Introduction to Anthropology
Anth 215: Magic & Religion
Anth 365: Language & Culture
Anth 395: History of Anthropological
Anth 364: Topics: Indigenous Latin
America: Power, Place, & Identity in the Andes
EGC 303: Representations and Power
Anth/GWS 355: Anthropology of Women;
Anthropology of Gender
Anth 451: Advanced Research in Latin
American Anthropology
Anth 455: Advanced Research in the
Anthropology of Gender
WS 101: Introduction to Womens Studies
Anth 210: Introduction to
Sociocultural Anthropology (co-taught in 2001 with Dr. Enrique Salmn)
TS2S 402: Movements of Resistance
Anth 217: Cultural Images of Women and
Anth 351: Ethnology of Andean South
America; Native Peoples of the Andes
Anth 371: Ethnology of Lowland South
America; Ethnology of Amazonian South America
Anth 390: Women's Roles in a Changing
Anth 391: Cultural and Historical
Frontiers (co-taught with Neil McHugh)
Anth 391: Tourism and Anthropology in
the American Southwest (co-taught with Dr. Debra Martin)
Anth 396: Proseminar
in Anthropology
Anth 407: Political Anthropology
Anth 496: Senior Research Seminar
WS 495: Capstone Seminar in
Women's Studies (2004)
GS 391: Language and Mind
Hon 203: Honors Seminar in the
Social Sciences/500 Years of Survival: The Quincentenary
of the Columbus Voyage (co-taught with Dr. Rick Wheelock)
Freshman Composition Seminar 101:
Native American Experience through Literature
Freshman Composition Seminar 101:
Anthropology through Literature
Freshman Composition Seminar 101:
Rethinking the Quincentenary
General Studies 100: What is Normal?
General Studies 100: Native
American Gender & Sexuality
General Studies 101: Human
Heritage I; General Studies 102: Human Heritage II
General Studies 191: Human
Heritage I Film Series
Southwest Studies 135:
Introduction to the Southwest
Fort Lewis College service
Member, FLC Honors Council
(2013- )
Co-chair, Faculty Awards Committee
(2013- )
NAIS Search Committee member
(2014, 2012)
Fulbright Faculty Liaison and Program
Adviser, Fort Lewis College (2010- )
Keynote Address: Native American
Honors Society induction dinner, FLC (April 2012)
First Year Programs Task Force
(2012- )
Faculty Senator (2010- )
Faculty Awards Committee member
(2010-2013, 1996-1997, 1989)
Faculty Advisor to RSO Club
Feminist Voice (2012- )
Participant in Art Dept Collections exhibit (Jan 2012)
FLC NAGPRA Committee (2004- )
Engineers Without Borders
fundraiser speaker (2011)
Title III grant proposal team
Panelist: Inspire the
Dream/Empower the Change FLC
Welcome address, The Real History
of the Americas (2011, 2010)
Panelist, Two Spirit film
discussion (2010)
Chair: Immigration Panel FLC
Presidents Organizational Task
Force (2010)
Interdisciplinary Task Force
(2009- )
Faculty Senate (2009- )
Discussion co-leader, Martin
Luther King film event (Jan 20, 2009)
NBS Honors Convocation
co-organizer (2009)
Committee of Faculty Women (2008-
Institutional Review Board (2008-
Human Heritage Coordinator
Member, Native American &
Indigenous Studies Advisory Board (2006- )
EGC Task Force, General Education
Council (2008- )
Curriculum Committee (2006- , 2001-2004, 1989-1996)
NBS Dean Search Committee (2007)
Chair, NAGPRA Interim Committee,
FLC Department of Anthropology (2005)
Coordinator, Gender & Womens
Studies Program (2004-2006; 1997-1999)
Featured Scholar Selection
Committee (2006)
Library Faculty Personnel
Committee (2006)
Faculty co-advisor, Small
Axe/Small Steps (2006- )
Faculty advisor, PRISM (2003-04)
General Education Council Chair
General Education Council (1999-2004;
2006- )
General Education and Colorado
State Compliance Task Force ("GE 10" 2002-04)
Geosciences Program Review
Committee (2001-02)
Co-Leader, General Education
Culture Group (Summer 1999)
Elected faculty representative,
Presidential Search Advisory Committee (1998)
Convener, Diversity Roundtable
Seminar: Issues in Cultural Privacy (1996)
Chair, General Education Task
Force (1996-97)
Department of Psychology Personnel
Review Committee (1994-95)
Department of Theatre Personnel
Review Committee (1994)
Writing Assessment Team
Special Freshman
advisor (1994, 1984, 1990-92)
Coordinator, Student Honors Awards
Convocation (1993)
Department of History Program
Review Committee (1992)
Contributor to NEH grant proposal
for Human Heritage Funding (1992)
Human Heritage faculty planning
group (1992-1994)
Library Director Search Committee
Panel presenter for Women's
Awareness Week (1991)
Panel presenter for Gay and
Lesbian Awareness Week (1991)
Panel presenter for Diversity Day,
Fort Lewis College (1991)
Women's Awareness Week panel
discussant on professions (1989)
Speaker for opposition to CIA
recruiting on campus (1988)
Speaker for opposition to Colorado
English-Only Amendment (1988)
Anthropology Club Advisor
Planning group: Interdisciplinary
Southwest studies course to enhance freshman literacy (funded by
$50,000 Ford Foundation grant, 1987-88)
Tutor in Hispanic Cultural Center,
Fort Lewis College (1996-97; 1988-1990)
Tutor in Intercultural Center, FLC
Guest lecturer for several courses
on campus (two Psychology Senior seminars; Southwest Studies
Senior Seminar;Southwest Indian History; Introduction to the
Southwest [several lectures on ethnicity, tourism, and representation in the
Southwest]; Introduction to
Theatre; Political Science Senior Seminar; Women in Development; multiple FLC
anthropology courses.
Women's Studies Steering
Committee, 1992-1994
Honors Council (1990-1993)
International Studies Committee
Intercultural Committee
Committee on Salary, Promotion,
and Tenure (1986)
Off-Campus Committee (1987)
Selected speakers brought to FLC
Mr. Frank Matero
(U Pennsylvania School of Design); Dr. Larry Emerson (Din), Dr. Beatrice Medicine (Standing
Rock Reservation), Dr. Joseph Suina (Cochiti Pueblo),
Dr. Claire Farrer (Cal State-Chico), Dr. Greg Johnson
(CU-Boulder), Dr. Linda Seligmann (Yale University),
Dr. Clark Erickson (University Museum, U. Pennsylvania), Dr. Robert Preucel (University Museum, U. Pennsylvania), Dr. John
Isaacson (Los Alamos National Laboratories), Dr. James Zeidler
(CSU Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands), Tina Deschenie (Editor, Tribal College Journal).
Community service (Durango, Ecuador)
Four Corners Lecture Series
consortium participant (2007- present)
Cangahua School Project co-organizer
(2003-present , Quito, Ecuador)
Kinde Cultural Center Project (2008-
present, Quito, Ecuador)
Durango/Four Corners Women's
Resource Center Board of Directors (2002-2005)
Alternative Horizons Board of
Directors (1994-97); Hispanic language liaison (1994- present)
La Plata Prevention Partners
Multicultural Task Force (1992-93)
Southwest Elements Committee (to
plan Animas-La Plata-funded museum and cultural center; 1988)
Selected talks presented in
Durango Community:
Life-long Learning Series, FLC (Social Archaeology
2009); Four Corners Lecture Series (Urban Mountain Gods, 2008); Mesa Verde
Centennial Lecture Series (Bodies Unburied, Mummies Displayed, 2006); San
Juan Basin Archaeological Society ("What is Museum Anthropology?"
Fall, 2002); Leadership La Plata (summer 2000, fall 2000); Colorado Timberline
Academy (womens rights), 1999; Getaway class talk on Cultural Property and the
Past (summer 1999); Women's History Month (with B. Wehmeyer
1994); Unitarian Church (on the New Age Movement 1993); San Juan Basin
Archaeological Society (2009, 2002, 1984, 1990); Gay and Lesbian Alliance of
Durango (1991)
American Anthropological Association conference sessions
Border Crossings and
Exchanges: Celebrating the Work of Steven L. Rubenstein (Double session) November
13-18, 2012 (San Francisco)
Symbolic Affinities, Pragmatic
Engagements: Shaping Latin American Ethnology through the Collaborative Work of
Norman and Dorothea Scott Whitten (Double session) November 19-25, San
Francisco, CA (2008)
Ambivalent Engagements:
Economic Crisis, State Cultural Politics, and Tourism in Latin America –
double session (12 participants).
American Anthropological Association annual meetings, Nov. 13-19, San
Jose, CA (2006)
Moving Across Borders: Re-Thinking
and Re-Siting Americanist Anthropology in an Era of
NAFTA, ALCA, and a "War on Terrorism – (10 participants)
Anthropological Dimensions of
NAGPRA (7 participants; 1997)
Publications (books, book chapters, articles)
Accepted: The Claims of Gender:
Flexible Citizenship, Indigeneity, and Horizontal
Women's Power in Urban
Ecuador under the 2008 Political Constitution. Journal of Social Development Issues. Special issue on Social
Development, Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. Rosemary Barbera
and Linda Stevenson, special issue editors.
In press Finding the Road Back to the Last
Good Job in America. Ch. 13 In Roads Taken: The Professorial Life,
Scholarship in Place, and the Public Good, edited by Bill Spellman and
Roger Epp.
Kirksville MO: Truman State University Press.
In press From Mestizos to Mashikuna: Global Influences on Discursive, Spatial, and
Performed Realizations of Indigeneity in Urban Quito,
Ecuador. Ch. 13 In: Mestizaje and Globalization: Transformations of Identity and Power in the Americas. Stefanie Wickstrom
and Philip D. Young, eds. University of Arizona Press.
2013 (Neo)indigenismo in an age of neoliberal exchanges and
conflicts: A case study from urban Ecuador. Proceedings from the Second
Congress on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the
Caribbean (held November 3-5, 2011). Marc Becker, ed. Cambridge Scholars
2011[2012](with B. Durkee) Interpreting an absence: Mesa Verde
National Parks responses to the public regarding
the mummy
Esthers display and disappearance.
Special issue on Interpretation and the National
Parks, Journal of the West
50(3): 43-50. Robert Pahre, guest editor.
2010 Quito Quichua. Encyclopedia of World Cultures. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Human Relations Area Files.
2009 Border Crossings: Transnational Americanist
Anthropology. Kathleen S. Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein, eds. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press.
2009 Bodies Unburied, Mummies
Displayed: Indigenous Cultural Politics Across American Borders. Pp. 67-118 In: Border
Crossings: Transnational Americanist Anthropology. Kathleen S. Fine-Dare and Steven L.
Rubenstein, eds. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
2009 (with Steven L.
Rubenstein) Introduction: Border Crossings. In Border
Crossings: Transnational Americanist
Anthropology. Kathleen S.
Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein, eds. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press.
2009 Rubenstein, Steven L., and
Kathleen S. Fine-Dare. The Lizards Dream. Pp. 289-330 In: Border
Crossings: Transnational Americanist Anthropology. Kathleen
S. Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein, eds. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
2008 Histories of the
Repatriation Movement . Pp. 29-56 In: Opening Archaeology: Repatriations Impact on Method and Theory,
Thomas Killion, ed. School of
American Research Press.
2007 Ms all del folklore: la yumbada de
Cotocollao como una vitrina para los discursos de la identidad, de la intervencin
estatal, y del poder in los Andes urbanos ecuatorianos. Pp. 55-86 In: Estudios ecuatorianos: un
aporte a la discusin – tomo II.
William T. Waters y Michael T. Hamerly, eds. Quito: FLACSO, Ecuador section of the
Latin American Studies Association, y Abya-Yala.
2007 Los
reclamos de gnero: Hacia un entendimiento y una valuacin mejor de la antropologa
de gnero en el Ecuador, Pp. 121-140 In: Memorias
del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Antropologa y Arqueologa: Balance de la
ltima dcada: Aportes, retos y nuevos temas. Fernando Garca, compilador. Quito: Abya Yala, FLACSO.
2005 Anthropological
suspicion, public interest and NAGPRA.
Journal of Social Archaeology 5(2): 171-192 (June).
2002 Grave Injustice: The American Indian Repatriation Movement and NAGPRA. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
1998 The Cultural
Contradictions of Assessment. Newsletter
of FOSAP (Federation of Small Anthropology Programs), 7(1):13-16 (Spring).
1997 Disciplinary Renewal Out
of National Disgrace: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Compliance in the Academy. Radical History Review 68: 25-53.
1992 Worldview. Contact:
Southwest Region Interpreters Newsletter XIV: 7-10. Jan. Mar.
1991 Cotocollao: Ideologa, Historia, y Accin en
un barrio de Quito. Quito: Abya-Yala Press.
1988 The Politics of Interpretation
at Mesa Verde National Park. Anthropological
Quarterly 61(4): 177-186.
Published book review research essays
2014 Review essay on Becoming Mapuche:
Person and Ritual in Indigenous Chile, by Magnus Course (Interpretations
of Culture in the New Millennium, No. 8.
Norman E. Whitten, Jr., series editor. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
2011) and Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender,
Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche, by Ana Mariella
Bacigalupo (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007).
Latin American &
Caribbean Ethnic Studies, LACES.
2010 Popular memory, public
performance, and demands for citizenship in urban Cochabamba and Buenos Aires:
a review. Dialectical Anthropology 34(2): 235-243 (June).
Selection of published book reviews (I also review 4 times a
year for CHOICE)
2013 Review of Art, Nature, and Religion in the Central Andes: Themes and
Variations from Prehistory
to Present, by Mary Strong (Austin:
University of Texas Press, 2012). Visual Anthropology Review (Fall).
2013 Review
of In the Smaller Scope of Conscience:
The Struggle for National Repatriation Legislations, 1986-1990, by C.
Timothy McKeown (University of Arizona Press,
2012). Journal of Museum Anthropology 36:2 (Sept.)
2012 Review of One State, Many Nations: Indigenous Rights Struggles in Ecuador, by Maximilian
Viatori (School for Advanced Research Global
Indigenous Politics Series. James
F. Brooks, General Editor. Santa
Fe, NM: School for Advanced
Research Press.2009). Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 18, 908-909 (Dec.).
2011 Review of Wives and Husbands: Gender and Age in Southern Arapaho
History, by
Loretta Fowler (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2010). Great
Plains Research 21(2): 250 (Fall).
2011 Review of We Will Dance Our Truth: Yaqui History in Yoeme Performances, by David Delgado Shorter (U Nebraska Press,
2009). Journal of Anthropological Research 67(1).
2010 Review of Yaqui Homeland and Homeplace:
The Everyday Production of Ethnic Identity, by Kirsten C. Erickson
(Arizona, 2008). Journal of Anthropological Research
66(3): 432-433.
2009 Review of Indians and Leftists in the Making of
Ecuadors Modern Indigenous Movement, by Marc Becker (Duke University
Press, 2008). Journal of Interdisciplinary History 40(1):
134-135 (Summer).
2009 Review of Sacred Claims: Repatriation and Living
Tradition, by Greg Johnson (University of Virginia Press, 2008). American Anthropologist 111(1): 119-120 (March).
2006 Review of Archaeological Theory and the Politics of
Cultural Heritage, by Laurajane Smith (Routledge 2004).
Anthropology 29(2).
2005 Review of Handle with Care: Ownership and Control of
Ethnographic Materials, by Sjoerd R. Jaarsma (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002). American
Anthropologist 107(3): 531-532.
2003 Review of Selling the Indian: Commercializing and Appropriating American
Indian Cultures edited by Carter Jones Meyer and Diana Royer (Arizona
2001). American Ethnologist 30(1).
2003 Review of Claiming the Stones/Naming the Bones:
Cultural Property and the Negotiation of National and Ethnic Identity,
edited by Elazar Barkan and
Ronald Bush (Getty Research Institute 2002). Choice 40-6477 (July).
2003 Review of Gender in Real Time: Power and Transience in
a Visual Age, by Kath Weston (Routledge
2002). The Women's Studies International Forum Journal 26(3): 180-81.
2002 Review of Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory,
Politics, Praxis, and Poetics, edited by
Irma McClaurin
(Rutgers 2001). Choice 39-4662 (April).
2002 Review of The Repatriation Reader, edited by Devon
L. Mihesuah (Nebraska 2000). Cambridge
Archaeological Journal 12(1):153-155 (April).
1998 Review of Blackness and Race Mixture: The Dynamics of
Racial Identity in Colombia, by Peter Wade (Johns Hopkins 1993). American
Ethnologist 25(1):55-56.
1994 Review of Manufacturing Against the Odds: Small Scale
Producers in an Andean City, by Hans and Judith-Maria Buechler.
American Ethnologist 21(4):1086-1087 (November).
1993 Review of The Politics of History, Native Historical
Interpretation in the Colombian Andes, by
Joanne Rappaport, American
Ethnologist 20(3):630-631
1993 Review of Marvelous Possessions: The Wonder of the New
World, by Stephen Greenblatt (Chicago 1991). The Latin American Anthropology Review
5(1):38 (Spring).
1992 Review of Man-Gods in the Mexican Highlands: Indian
Power in Colonial Society 1520-1800, by Serge Gruzinski
(Stanford 1989). Latin American Anthropology Review 2(2):80-81 (Winter).
1984 Review
of A House of My Own, by Susan
Lobo (University of Arizona Press, 1981). American Anthropologist 86(2):457-458.
Published news articles
2011 Longitudinal work at the
margins of the state in Quito, Ecuador.
Section News: Society for
Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology. Anthropology News pp. 39-40 (May).
2010 NAGPRAs effects on
anthropology education: Views from a college serving Native American
communities. Academic Affairs, Anthropology News, pp. 28-29
(March). Kathleen Fine-Dare, Mona
Charles, Dawn Mulhern, and Charles Riggs.
2010 Tuning in turning on: FLC
educates students in global citizenship to prepare them for the future. Op-Ed piece, The Durango Herald (Sunday, March 14).
Commissioned reports
2010 (with W. James Judge and Dawn Mulhern) Anthropological Frameworks for Establishing
Cultural Affiliation: A Document to Accompany the
Inventory of Native American Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects in
the Possession or Control of Fort Lewis College.
1995 (with W. James Judge)
Anthropological Frameworks for Establishing Cultural Affiliation, Final Report:
A Document to Accompany the Inventory of Native American Human Remains and
Associated Funerary Objects in the Possession or Control of Mesa Verde National
Park. Prepared for Mesa Verde
National Park and Research Management Division in Partial Fulfillment of
Contract #MEVE-R-94-0436.
1989 Cultural Contradictions in
the West. Paper written for The
Mirror Project, U.S. West-Fort Lewis College joint project comparing cultural
experiences in three western regions of the United States.
Unpublished manuscripts
2013 Transubstantiation
and the Hidden Histories of Andean Urbanites: Corpus Christi, San Juan, and the
Objective Play of New Subjectivities in Quito, Ecuador. Paper presented in the
session, The Materiality of the Occult: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Fernando
Santos-Granero and Jonathan D. Hill, co-organizers.
2013 Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago,
Illinois, November 20.
2013 Gnero y
friccin en las prcticas y los discursos del Yumbo de y en la Yumbada de Cotocollao. Paper given at the 6th LASA-Ecuatorianistas
conference, June 27-29, University of Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador.
2012 Grief and a Co-authors Rage: Existential and
Epistemological Tensions in the Work of Steven L. Rubenstein. Paper given at the American
Anthropological Association meetings, November 13-18, 2012.
2012 The Claims of Gender:
Flexible Citizenship, Indigeneity, and Women's Power
in Urban Ecuador under the 2008 Political Constitution. Paper delivered at the Latin American
Studies Association XXX International Congress, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2012.
Session: La Patria ya es
de todos!: The 2008
Constitution and the Politics of Inclusion and Collective Identity in Ecuador.
2011 (Neo)indigenismo in an age of
neoliberal exchanges and conflicts: A case study from urban Ecuador. Paper prepared for the Second Congress
on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean,
November 3-5, 2011, University of California, San Diego Session 2, Panel 14,
1:30-3:15 p.m., Room 9: Historical and Cultural Aspects of Indigenismo
(I) (Marc Becker, organizer).
2010 Invisible Circulation:
Sex, Lies, and the Interdisciplinary Disciplining of Anthropology. Paper presented at the American Anthropological
Association annual meetings.
2008 (with
Julie L. Williams). Contrastructural Strategies of Urban Indigeneity in the
Quito Basin. Paper presented at the 2008 AAA meetings.
2006 Ritual Drama, Cultural
Recuperation, and Municipal Intervention:
The Cotocollao Yumbada
of Quito, Ecuador. Paper presented
at the 2006 AAA meetings.
2004 (with Byron Dare):
Winning at the White Mans Game? Prosperity,
Cultural Integrity, and the Struggle for Sovereignty for the Southern Ute
Indian Tribe. Paper presented at
the103rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November
17-21, 2004, San Francisco, CA.
2003 Vaccinations,
Dollarization, and Educational Reform:
Obstacles to Elementary Educational Delivery in a Marginal Area of
Northwest Quito, Ecuador. Paper
delivered at the Rocky Mountain Council of Latin American Studies Golden
Anniversary Conference. Feb. 20, Tempe, Arizona.
2001 Bodies Unburied, Mummies
Displayed: Anthropology and Repatriation in the Americas. Paper given at a
Presidential Invited Session, AAA meetings, Washington DC.
1996 The Discourses of
Repatriation: NAGPRA Compliance in Southwest Colorado. Paper delivered at the American
Ethnological Society annual meetings in San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 17-21, 1996.
1996 NAGPRA and the
Opportunities for Pedagogical and Dialogical Adjustments: Plus Cest la Mme Chose? Paper delivered at the American
Anthropological Association annual meetings in San Francisco, CA, November
19-24, 1996.
1995 Truth, Postmodernism, and
the Liberal Arts. Text of
Commencement Address, Fort Lewis College, 16 December 1995.
1994 Intellectual Property
Rights, the Academy, and the Para-academy:
The Appropriateness of Cultural Appropriation in the Grey Areas of
University Teaching and Discourse.
American Anthropological Association national meetings,
Atlanta, GA, November 1994.
1993 (with Philip Duke) Native
Americans and Archaeology: A Reply to Meighan.
1992 Multicultural Projects and
Postcultural Anthropology: The Uneasy Fit Between Metaheuristics and Romanticism. Paper for the symposium, From Mead to
Foucault: Multiculturalism in the Modern World, held at the conference,
"Many Voices/Many Choices: Teaching and Learning in the 21st
Century. University of Northern Colorado,
Greeley, Sept. 24-26.
1992 Neither Indians nor Cholos but Legitimate Residents Are We: Cultural Strategies
of Survival on the Outskirts of Quito, Ecuador. Paper presented at the Society for
Cross-Cultural Research Annual Meetings, Feb. 26-Mar. 1.
1992 Urban Indigenous Ritual
Performance and Political Ideology in Quito, Ecuador. A report prepared for the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
Professional memberships
American Anthropological
Association (AAA)
Native American and Indigenous
Studies Association (NAISA)
Association of Indigenous
Anthropologists, (AIA)
International Congress of Americanists
Latin American Studies Association
(LASA; Ecuador, ERIP, and Gender sections)
Society for Latin American and
Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA)
Association of Black
Anthropologists (ABA)
Society for Museum Anthropology
Society for Feminist Anthropology
Keiko Ikeda,
School of Global Studies
Doshisha University
Karasuma-Imadegawa, Kamigyo-ku,
602-8580 JAPAN
Becker, Professor of History
Truman State University
MC 227
100 E. Normal Ave.
Kirksville, MO 63501
Linda J. Seligmann,
Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology and
George Mason University
Robinson B323
VA 22030
Norman E. Whitten, Jr., Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois,
IL 61801
nwhitten@uiuc.edu December 2013