Nature of Scientific Debate
Week 2

Mystery mushroomlike sea creatures get names

Specimens from off Australian coast resemble jellies but may
represent new phylum









Goals for Day:



Question 1: What are the levels of the taxonomic hierarchy?








What are the Kingdoms of Domain Eukarya?














Question 2:  How do scientists work??  (15 minutes)

What are some of the main points E.O.Wilson is trying to make in the first chapter of his book?

Address these 3 issues within your group, and be prepared to report back to the class at large:

  1. "Round-robin:" What was the most interesting/intriguing thing you read in this chapter?

  2. Discussion: What are some examples from the chapter of how scientists work?  Does it sound to you like a static activity?

  3. Round-robin Write: (pass around a sheet of paper) What do you think was Wilson's main point in this chapter, and how might that relate to the main theme & goals of this course?


Report back to class - ALL should be prepared to answer for their group!!


"Breaking the crucible of evolution" - What is the point of chapter 2?





Question 3: What kinds of questions can scientists address?  What kinds can they not address?

Science Questions: 

Testable questions that attempt to explain natural phenomena.





Non-Science Questions:



What is "Pseudo-Science?"





If Science is limited in the types of questions it can address, what moral or ethical limitations are there to scientific study?



Question 4: In Wilson's chapter 3:






Question 5: What is the main point Wilson is trying to make in ch.3?