History, Humans & the Price of Expansion
Tuesday Week 8





What are the dangers of small population size?


Question of the Day: How long have humans been impacting biodiversity?


Powerpoint Slides for this topic




Question 1:

What evidence is there for human-caused extinctions in pre-history?

Example: North America, mega-fauna extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene

The Species:

     Woolly Mammoth

Giant Ground Sloth


Visit these websites for further insight into the theories used to explain N. American mega-fauna extinctions -

 http://www.museum.state.il.us/exhibits/larson/lp_extinction.html  (animated maps & introduction to 3 main arguments)

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/stoneage/megafauna.html   (summary of 3 main arguments)



 Question 1: Explanation

What evidence is there for human-caused extinctions in pre-history?Megafauna map           

 Question 2:

What are the main mechanisms for human-caused extinctions?


Question 3:

Should we use heroic efforts to save rare species?

"rifle shot" vs. "holocaust" extinctions

Spotted Owl example