
On Tuesday we will have a debate in class addressing the following question:


Is the reintroduction of the Canada lynx to the San Juan Mountains a viable project?  (should it have been started?  should it continue?)

Your group was assigned to argue EITHER on the pro-side OR on the con-side of this question (see Moodle site for group assignments). Your charge is to gather information and resources in support of your argument, using at least 3 conservation biology principles in support of your arguemt, and come prepared to debate with other groups and the whole class next Tuesday. Each group needs a MINIMUM of 4 valid/reliable reference sources to support their argument, and all group members must participate in both information gathering AND presentation (is some form) to receive credit.

Turn in a typed sheet listing all your group's references at the beginning of Tuesday's class, with a bulleted list of the main points you intend to cover during the debate.  Be sure to indicate what the 3 conservation biology concepts are that you intend to use as the backbone of your argument.  You should also briefly outline the roles of each group member before & during the debate.


Debate Mechanics

  1. A debate team consists of all group members.
  2. All members of the debate team must participate in some way. A single member of the team could take each segment.
  3. A coin flip prior to the start of the debate will determine which starts first.
  4. The debate format will be as follows:
      5 minute opening from first group
      5 minute opening from second group

      4 minute rebuttal from first group
      4 minute rebuttal from second group

      4 minute rebuttal from first group
      4 minute rebuttal from second group

      4 minute closing from first group
      4 minute closing from second group

      20+ minute Q & A period/ discussion with whole class

      Audience evaluation: feedback and vote from the audience (= everyone!).