How Our World Works - Phys 106
What you need to know to get through this class.

Course Information:

Spring 2015
Credits: 4
Clock hours - (lecture-lab): (3-2)
CRN: lecture 30622; labs 30623, 30624
Lecture Room: Berndt 235
Lecture Times: MWF 2:30-3:25
Lab Room: Berndt Hall 610
Lab Times: W 8:00-10:00; F 8:00-10:00

Instructor Information:

Charles L. Hakes
Office : Berndt 630
Office phone: (This is NOT the best way to contact me.  For this class, email is the way to go.  Do not contact me to tell me that you won't be in class or to ask what the next assignment is.)
Probable office hours: Office Hours.  Any time my door is open I am available.  I will also often be around on some Tuesdays and in lab most Thursdays.
e-mail: (This is the best way to contact me)  If you have questions, be sure to look through these web pages.  If you ask a question that is answered there, the email response may be "See web site."

Web Site:

Catalog Description:

With a strong focus on concepts rather than mathematics, this course explores the history and methods of science. Topics span the origins of the Universe to how a cell phone works, with an emphasis on energy. This is a chance for students to get a glimpse of scientific revolutions including quantum mechanics and special relativity. Includes a weekly lab.

Course Learning Objectives:

Learning outcomes for all Natural and Physical Sciences Guaranteed Transfer classes are listed here: State GT_Pathways Criteria

This class is intended for a general audience but is not simply a conceptual version of an introductory physics course, which covers “classical” physics, i.e. physics before approximately the year 1900.  Instead, a large portion of this course will focus on what is known as “modern” physics, the often bizarre but extremely powerful ideas that have come from advances in the 20th century. We will also explore the scientific method and its interaction with society and culture. The history of science will be incorporated along the way.

Course Requirements and Grading Policies

Class Required Resources:

Texts: Physics Concepts and Connections, Fifth Edition by Art Hobson.

Required Supplies:

Math/Calculator Requirement:  Although this class only has minimal math prerequisites, you will be required to do some simple calculations.  We will cover what you need to know.  You will need a scientific calculator for your homework and tests.  It is a good idea to get a simple calculator that understands scientific notation.  You need to know how to enter and read numbers in scientific notation on whatever calculator you have.  Most "math" issues students have with this course are really "calculator use" issues.  You will need to bring your calculator to class and to tests.  There are some Math Tutorial videos available to help you with many of these topics.

Homework Requirement:  There will be homework problems most weeks.  The homework doesn't count as much as the tests, but you will find the tests rather difficult if you have not done the homework.  Homework assignments are here.

Academic (dis)honesty:  Any incidents of cheating on quizzes or exams will result in being reported to the office of academic affairs, and an F for the course.  (I may soften that penalty only if circumstances warrant it, at my discretion.)  I do encourage you to work together to discuss the homework, but your written answer must be in your own wordsDon't Copy!  Unacceptable collaboration on a homework assignment will result in a score of zero for the entire assignment.  Copying or directly paraphrasing answers from the textbook on a homework assignment will result in a zero for that question.  Answer in your own words in order to actually learn something!

Accessibility: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements must register with  Disability Services, 280 Noble Hall, 247-7459.  If you qualify for services, bring your letter of accommodations to me during office hours as soon as possible.

Additional information