PhSc 206

Sunset Part 1

Name/Section _______________________________  Name/Section _______________________________
Name/Section _______________________________  Name/Section _______________________________

You should try to do this lab with one or two other students.  Make the following observations.  Be careful when looking towards the sun.  Never look directly at the sun without appropriate protection.  (You can use the solar filter available at the bookstore.)  Remember - those are your eyes.  (If you feel uncomfortable viewing, there is probably a reason for that!)

Go somewhere to watch the Sun set.  Remember exactly where you're standing so you can look from that spot again next week (you will repeat this observation in Part 2 to look for changes).  Before you observe, look up in the newspaper (or on-line) what time the sun is supposed to set.  This way you will know when you need to start observing (at least 30 minutes before sunset).  If it looks like the sun will be setting behind a mountain, you may need to start observing more than 30 minutes before sunset.  Be sure to read all of the questions so you don't miss any observations.

Date: ________________________

"Official" sunset time: ________________________

1. Sketch - Start with a piece of graph paper (or print your own  Use your fist as a scale for your sketch - make one inch on your paper correspond to one fist width.  Very carefully sketch the portion of the horizon where the Sun sets.  Sketch at least three fist widths to the North and South (right and left) of the sunset point.  Be sure to include any identifying features on your sketch.  For example, if you do this from campus, you might have Perrin's Peak or Smelter Mountain in the picture.  Be sure to label a scale for you plot.  (degrees!)

2. Record - As you are watching, draw the location of the Sun 3 times:  once as it "touches the ground", once 10 minutes before that, and once another 10 minutes before that.  Put all "three Suns" on the same sketch to show the direction of the Sun as it moves toward the horizon.  Do your best to draw the sun the correct size.  

How big is the sun compared to your fist? _________________________(draw it that way!)

3. Find West - Indicate on your sketch which direction is "due west."  There are several ways to find west:  a) You could use a compass, but remember that "magnetic north" is a few degrees to the East of "geographic north".  b) Use a GPS.  c) Look on Google Maps and find a landmark that is "due west" of your current location.

How did you determine due west?

Does the sun set north or south of due west? _______________________

Estimate (degrees) how far north or south of due west the sun is setting: _________________________

4. Interpret - Write the date and precise time (down to the minute) of the sunset on your sketch.  Also be sure to label the times for the "pre-sunset" locations.

How long (to within 15 seconds) does it take the disk of the sun (as observed through your filter) to cross the horizon? __________________________  

Depending on the slant of any mountains on the horizon, do you expect your answer to be shorter or longer than if the horizon were perfectly level?  _________________________

Estimate the angle that the sun's path makes with the horizon. ______________________  Show (and label!) the angle on your sketch.

Attach your sketch.

Most of your grade will be based on the information included on your sketch.