PhSc 206
Sunset Part 2
_______________________________ Name/Section
_______________________________ Name/Section
You should try to do this lab with one or two other students.
Make the following observations. Be careful when
towards the
sun. Never look directly at the sun without appropriate
(You can use the solar filter available at the bookstore.)
Remember - those are your eyes. (If you feel
there is probably a reason for that!)
1. You MUST turn in part 1 to receive credit for part 2.
2. Part 1 will be returned during your regular lab time.
3. You should "fix" any comments about your sketch for part 1 before
proceding to part 2. (This may involve making an entirely new
sketch.) If that is the case, then you need to staple the
original sketch to your new one, to show the "fixes."
4. Repeat your observations from part 1b between one and two weeks
after your first observation.
For your second observations:
Date: ________________________
"Official" sunset time: ________________________
Add new sun locations and times to your sketch.
What is the new "observed" sunset time? _______________________
Comment on similarities or differences.
Estimate the angle that the sun's path makes with the horizon.
Comment on similarities or differences.
How long (to within 15 seconds) does it take the disk of the sun (as
observed through your filter) to cross the horizon?
Comment on similarities or differences.
How much farther north or farther south does the sun set than your
first observation? _______________________(degrees)
Comment on similarities or differences.