Phys 146

Astronomy Lecture Grades

12/18/14 - These are the final grades for the class.  Yes, there will be a curve.  The "Points" column is your grade; the "rel%" is just where you are reltive to the high grade in the class.  Let me know if you have any questions.

The graph this time shows your total number of accumulated points, and where those points are from. 

Your ID is the last four of your FLC ID, unless you gave me another number to use.  Also, let me know ASAP if there is something missing or recorded wrong.  If you have questions, please come by my office.



ID = last four digits of your FLC ID, unless you have given me another number to use.

rel% = your percentage of points compared to others in the class

MaxPos = how many points you could get if you took the final right now

Points = how many points you have right now (your grade)

Fwth = how many points are possible for you to get on the final

Final = grade on final

F pts = points from your final (= Fwrth * Final / 100)

T pts = points from your tests

Part = agregate points from clickers and folders

inlab = points from inside lab work

lab2 = points from outside lab work

HWsum = sum of all MastringAstronomy homework grades

Click% = percentage of questions with Clickers.

T1 = test 1 raw score

T1a = adjusted points from test 1


ID	Points	rel%	HWp	Part	inlab	outlab	T pts	Fpts	FWrth	Final	HWsum	HW%	Click	Click%	F%	T1	T1a	T2	T2a	T3	T3a	inraw	in%	ResA	ResB	Tuse	Kepl	Jmoo	Heat	Spec	Seti	Const	Vid1	outraw	out%	NSun	Sun1	Sun2	Bino	Tele	ID	Spots	Dark	Meteor	Mset
1027 85.86 89.45 5.85 9.54 16.325 13.1 24.86 16.18 18.82 86 81.26 38.97 179 90.86 100.00 70 8.45 76 7.96 70 8.45 65.3 100.00 4.7 4.7 9.9 9.5 9.4 9.2 9.4 0 8.5 0 52.4 87.33 4.9 4.5 4 7 15 0 17 0 0 0
1620 66.16 68.93 4.02 8.42 16.175 6.575 20.865 10.10 22.96 44 55.92 26.82 143 72.59 95.83 67 8.195 47 5.495 55 7.175 64.7 100.00 4.7 4.4 9.2 9 9 9.2 9.3 0 9.9 0 26.3 43.83 2 2.5 0 7 14.8 0 0 0 0 0
1967 94.21 98.16 15.40 9.72 17.6 14.95 23.16 13.38 18.84 71 214.08 100.00 186 94.42 100.00 58 7.43 70 7.45 68 8.28 70.4 100.00 4.6 4.4 8.2 8.5 9.8 9.2 6.7 5 9.5 4.5 59.8 99.67 4 2.5 1.5 7 14.8 0 0 14 16 0
2061 41.31 43.04 1.76 5.69 10.8 7.55 15.51 0.00 29.49 0 24.53 11.76 27 13.71 100.00 58 7.43 48 5.58 2.5 43.2 72.00 4.6 4.5 9.3 0 9.7 8.8 6.3 0 0 0 30.2 50.33 4 2 3 7 14.2 0 0 0 0 0
2659 64.85 67.56 8.44 8.96 11.2 4.7 21.375 14.41 23.63 61 117.32 56.27 156 79.19 100.00 53 7.005 65 7.025 57 7.345 44.8 74.67 4.7 4.4 0 9 9 9.2 0 0 8.5 0 18.8 31.33 2 2 0 0 14.8 0 0 0 0 0
3584 73.70 76.79 3.01 9.31 12.325 13.95 20.27 14.84 24.73 60 41.8 20.05 170 86.29 100.00 55 7.175 63 6.855 44 6.24 49.3 82.17 4.6 3.9 0 5.6 9.8 9.2 6.7 0 9.5 0 55.8 93.00 0 4 0 7 14.8 0 0 14 16 0
4005 62.78 65.41 11.15 7.05 13.075 2.75 19.08 13.22 25.92 51 154.94 74.31 97 49.24 91.67 55 7.175 50 5.75 43 6.155 52.3 87.17 0 3.9 8.7 0 9.8 9.2 6.7 0 9.5 4.5 11 18.33 0 4 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
4924 97.94 100.00 18.29 9.67 17.525 16.325 27.665 8.46 10.20 83 254.23 100.00 184 93.40 100.00 73 8.705 98 9.83 78 9.13 70.1 100.00 4.6 4.5 10 8.3 9.8 9 9 0 9.9 5 65.3 108.83 5 4.5 4 7 14.8 0 0 14 16 0
5408 69.34 72.25 12.27 7.35 9.675 7.925 20.695 11.42 24.31 47 170.61 81.83 109 55.33 91.67 57 7.345 56 6.26 54 7.09 38.7 64.50 4.7 3.8 9.2 0 0 8.8 7.7 0 0 4.5 31.7 52.83 0 0 0 7 14.7 10 0 0 0 0
5576 91.28 95.10 16.56 9.21 17.725 12.125 22.65 13.01 18.07 72 230.12 100.00 166 84.26 100.00 65 8.025 65 7.025 60 7.6 70.9 100.00 4.8 4.7 10 9.4 9.1 9.1 9.8 0 9.5 4.5 48.5 80.83 4.5 4.5 0 7 0 0 17.5 0 15 0
5645 81.68 85.11 12.35 8.65 16.425 6.575 23.925 13.76 19.65 70 171.66 82.33 144 73.10 100.00 63 7.855 74 7.79 68 8.28 65.7 100.00 4.7 4.4 9.2 9 9 9.2 9.3 0 9.9 1 26.3 43.83 2 2.5 0 7 14.8 0 0 0 0 0
ID Points rel% HWp Part inlab outlab T pts Fpts FWrth Final HWsum HW% Click Click% F% T1 T1a T2 T2a T3 T3a inraw in% ResA ResB Tuse Kepl Jmoo Heat Spec Seti Const Vid1 outraw out% NSun Sun1 Sun2 Bino Tele ID Spots Dark Meteor Mset
6320 92.53 96.40 15.95 8.78 17.55 15.725 19.93 14.59 20.85 70 221.64 100.00 149 75.63 100.00 76 8.96 82 8.47 2.5 70.2 100.00 4.8 4.7 10 9.4 9.1 9.1 9.8 0 8.8 4.5 62.9 104.83 4 4.5 0 7 14.9 0 17.5 0 15 0
6385 74.32 77.43 14.36 5.70 11.775 11.85 19.335 11.29 25.67 44 199.67 95.76 118 59.90 54.17 56 7.26 51 5.835 44 6.24 47.1 78.50 4.6 4.5 9.3 3.8 9.8 8.8 6.3 0 0 0 47.4 79.00 4 2 3 7 14.4 0 0 0 17 0
6761 54.41 56.69 2.14 8.15 9.4 6.55 13.47 14.82 31.53 47 29.69 14.24 124 62.94 100.00 33 5.305 49 5.665 2.5 37.6 62.67 4.8 3.8 0 8 0 8.8 7.7 0 0 4.5 26.2 43.67 4.8 0 0 7 14.4 0 0 0 0 0
7918 78.88 82.19 11.24 9.90 12.875 10.75 20.27 13.85 24.73 56 156.21 74.92 193 97.97 100.00 48 6.58 60 6.6 54 7.09 51.5 85.83 4.8 0 9.9 9 0 9.2 9.1 0 9.5 0 43 71.67 4.8 0 0 7 14.2 0 17 0 0 0
7984 62.91 65.55 8.72 9.77 13.3 6.35 13.385 11.38 31.62 36 121.27 58.16 188 95.43 100.00 32 5.22 29 3.965 20 4.2 53.2 88.67 4.6 2.3 8.9 6.1 8.8 8.8 4.7 0 9 0 25.4 42.33 2 1.5 0 7 14.9 0 0 0 0 0
8267 79.92 83.27 10.01 7.94 8.35 12.875 23.67 17.06 21.33 80 139.19 66.76 116 58.88 100.00 74 8.79 73 7.705 55 7.175 33.4 55.67 4.8 4.7 10 9.4 0 0 0 0 0 4.5 51.5 85.83 4.5 4.5 0 0 15 10 17.5 0 0 0
8428 69.62 72.54 7.63 9.67 10.75 7.675 20.865 13.03 24.14 54 106.05 50.86 184 93.40 100.00 50 6.75 53 6.005 66 8.11 43 71.67 4.6 4.5 9.3 0 0 8.8 6.3 0 9.5 0 30.7 51.17 4 2 3 7 14.7 0 0 0 0 0
8664 75.68 78.85 0.00 9.42 16.575 13.1 21.375 15.21 22.05 69 0 0.00 174 88.32 100.00 46 6.41 60 6.6 69 8.365 66.3 100.00 4.7 4.7 9.9 9.5 9.4 9.2 9.4 0 9.5 0 52.4 87.33 4.9 4.5 4 7 15 0 17 0 0 0
9346 71.33 74.32 5.00 5.00 11.95 13.925 17.72 17.73 27.28 65 69.51 33.34 0 0.00 100.00 30 5.05 60 6.6 42 6.07 47.8 79.67 0 3.9 8.7 0 9.8 9.2 6.7 0 9.5 0 55.7 92.83 0 4 0 7 14.7 0 0 14 16 0
9686 94.39 98.34 15.21 10.00 12.475 16.325 26.305 14.07 17.16 82 211.45 100.00 201 100.00 100.00 74 8.79 86 8.81 73 8.705 49.9 83.17 4.6 4.5 0 8.3 0 9 9 0 9.5 5 65.3 108.83 5 4.5 4 7 14.8 0 0 14 16 0
9923 86.68 90.31 6.86 9.64 16.25 13.25 27.58 13.10 16.17 81 95.32 45.72 183 92.89 100.00 80 9.3 82 8.47 86 9.81 65 100.00 4.8 4.7 9.9 9 9.3 9.2 9.1 0 9 0 53 88.33 4.8 0 0 7 14.2 10 17 0 0 0
9934 79.93 83.28 7.58 9.67 14.225 23.85 24.605 0.00 11.55 0 105.38 50.54 184 93.40 100.00 62 7.77 73 7.705 78 9.13 56.9 94.83 4.6 4.4 8.7 8.5 9.5 0 6.7 0 9.5 5 95.4 159.00 4 2.5 1.5 7 14.8 0 18.6 14 16 17
9949 70.73 73.69 8.32 5.94 12.225 11.225 19.505 13.51 25.50 53 115.64 55.46 70 35.53 83.33 50 6.75 51 5.835 52 6.92 48.9 81.50 4.6 4.6 8.9 3.8 0 8.8 4.7 0 8.5 5 44.9 74.83 2 2 2.5 7 14.4 0 0 0 17 0
ID Points rel% HWp Part inlab outlab T pts Fpts FWrth Final HWsum HW% Click Click% F% T1 T1a T2 T2a T3 T3a inraw in% ResA ResB Tuse Kepl Jmoo Heat Spec Seti Const Vid1 outraw out% NSun Sun1 Sun2 Bino Tele ID Spots Dark Meteor Mset