Course Information:
Fall 2014Web Site:
Catalog Description: An introductory course in physics covering the basic concepts of electricity, magnetism, and optics. This course includes an introductory physics laboratory with experiments in optics, electricity, electronics and magnetism.
Course Learning Objectives:
Learning outcomes for all Natural and Physical Sciences Guaranteed Transfer classes are listed here: State GT_Pathways CriteriaCourse Requirements:
Text: Physics, Principles with Applications,
Seventh Edition, by Douglas Giancoli.
And Mastering
Physics (online homework).
Additionally, some of the labs will be taken from Physics
Laboratory Manual, by Norton and Gibbons, 3rd
Lab Requirement: You MUST be
concurrently signed up for one of the lab sections that meets on
Your overall grade will depend on your lab grade.
Your lab grade will count approximately 25%. However, you must
have a passing grade in both the lecture and the lab to have an overall
passing grade.
Requirement: Calculus is not required or assumed.
However, I assume you are comfortable with algebra and
trigonometry, and we will be using vectors. Some of the Math
Tutorial videos might be useful. You should have a calculator
that understands scientific notation.
Homework Requirement: This is a problem solving class. You must know how to solve problems to pass the tests. The only way to become proficient is to practice. So... there will be homework from every chapter we cover in class. The homework doesn't count as much as the tests, but you will find the tests rather difficult if you have not done the homework. Homework problems will assigned on-line via Mastering Physics, unless otherwise specified. The course access code is PHYS202HAKESF2014.
Class Folder: You need a
plain manilla folder with a tab (no pockets). There will be daily
comments to add.
i>Clicker Response System: These are the "clickers" for remotely answering questions in class. You must have one to receive credit for answering any of the in-class questions. It is up to you to keep a spare set of batteries. During the first week of class, you must provide me with your transmitter number. Some of the questions to be answered using the clickers are for discussion (you can't get them wrong), but we may occasionally have graded questions over the reading or previous lecture materials at the beginning of class.
Withdrawing from Class: The last day to withdraw from this class with a "CW" is according to Fort Lewis policy and posted on the FLC Academic Calendar.
Academic (dis)honesty: Any incidents of cheating on quizzes or exams will result in being reported to the office of academic affairs, and an F for the course. (I may soften that penalty only if circumstances warrant it, at my discretion.) I do encourage you to work together to discuss the homework, but your written answer must be in your own words. Don't Copy! Unacceptable collaboration on a homework assignment will result in a score of zero for the entire assignment. Copying or directly paraphrasing answers from the textbook on a homework assignment will result in a zero for that question. Answer in your own words in order to actually learn something!
Accessibility: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements must register with Disability Services, 280 Noble Hall, 247-7459. If you qualify for services, bring your letter of accommodations to me during office hours as soon as possible.