Possible Senior Research Projects


Observational Astronomy Projects – There are a variety of projects that can be accomplished using the 16" Schmidt Cassegrain telescope located at the Fort Lewis Observatory in Hesperus.  Many of these involve measuring the change in brightness of an object over time.  Some of these projects are:


Observatory Remote Operations – There are a variety of engineering and control type projects that can be complete to help the at the Fort Lewis Observatory in Hesperus.  The goal would be complete remote control of all aspects of an imaging session, including telescope pointing, flat field aquisition, dome control, and data archiving.

BalloonSat - The Colorado Space Grant Consortium regularly launches balloons with small, student designed and built payloads.  Many of these projects would be appropriate for a senior design project.

Colorado Robot Challenge - Another Space Grant sponsored project.  Fort Lewis has not previously participated, but it sure sounds like fun.

Communications Network Modeling Projects – There are a variety of modeling and simulation projects that can be done using the OPNET computer tool.  Some of these projects include: