Point Distribution:
There will be three mid-term tests during the semester, and a cummulative final. The current plan is to have them approximately every three weeks, as shown on the schedule. Each will be worth ~20% of your overall grade. This may change before the end of the semester, but you will have ample warning if this happens. Except for extraordinary circumstances, there will be no make-up tests. For slightly less extraordinary circumstances, (e.g. you get elected governor of California, or have to accept a Nobel prize) I might consider letting you take a test early.
Homework problems will be listed on the Assignments web page, and submitted via MasteringEngineering. Some of the homework problems may be worked out during class time. There might be occasional reading quizzes in class over the assigned reading for the day. You will regularly be asked to solve problems in class and possibly present example and homework problems to the class. For any written homework, you must obey the following guidelines on all homework assignments turned in, or potentially lose points:
Part of this grade will be participation. There will be an in-class folder and I anticipate regular "white board" work of solving problems in class. There might be occasional reading quizzes in class over the assigned reading for the day. These points might also be distributed between homework and test grades.Final Note
The instructor reserves the right to pro-actively change the class schedule and grade distributions during the semester at any time for any reason, if it is determined to be in the best interest of the student(s), the professor, or both.