Web Site: http://faculty.fortlewis.edu/hakes_c
Catalog Description: Topics include polyphase circuits, complex frequency and frequency response of linear networks, magnetically coupled circuits, two-port networks, Fourier analysis, Laplace transform techniques, operational amplifiers. Includes engineering design applications. (3-2) Pre-requisites: ENGR 201.
Course Outcomes with corresponding ABET Criteria/outcomes:Text: Electric Circuits, by Nilsson and Riedel, 9th Edition. Also, we’ll use circuit simulation software, PSpice, to expose you to a powerful tool used in electronics design. For this course we’ll use the version of PSpice that accompanies this text. The PSpice software is installed on department and lab computers in Berndt Hall.
Prerequisites: ENGR 201
Homework Requirement: This is a problem solving class. You must know how to solve problems to do the homeworks and pass the tests. The only way to become proficient is to practice. So... there will be homework from every chapter we cover in class. The homework doesn't count as much as the tests, but you will find the tests rather difficult if you have not done the homework. Homework problems will generally be due in class every week and a half, unless otherwise specified. Solutions should be on engineering paper and follow the “engineering form” (see the course web site for an example). Homework not conforming to this form and difficult to read will be returned without grading. Late homework is penalized 25% per calendar day.
Lab Requirement: You
MUST be concurrently signed up for one of the lab sections that meets
on Thursday. Your overall grade will depend on your lab
grade. Your lab grade will count approximately 25%.
However, I will tie the grades together such that it will be hard to
pass the class if you are not passing the lab.
Withdrawing from Class - The last day to withdraw from this class with a "W" is before the third test, as shown on the schedule.
Academic (dis)honesty: Any incidents of cheating on quizzes or exams will result in being reported to the office of academic affairs, and an F for the course. (I may soften that penalty only if circumstances warrant it, at my discretion.) I do encourage you to work together to discuss the homework, but your written answer must be in your own words. Don't Copy! Unacceptable collaboration on a homework assignment will result in a score of zero for the entire assignment. Answer in your own words in order to actually learn something!
Accessibility: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements must register with Disability Services, 280 Noble Hall, 247-7459. If you qualify for services, bring your letter of accommodations to me during office hours as soon as possible.