Engr 338
Digital Logic Grades
4/27/14 - Scores in the
class before the final projects. (Points shown are what you will
get if you skip the final project.) If you
think you have anything turned in that is not listed, please see me
ASAP. There may or may not be a curve on the final grade.
TBD. The ID listed here is the last 4 digits of your Fort
Lewis ID.
ID - last four digits of your FLC ID
grade - current average
HWave - average for homework points
1:all; 2:etc - individual homework grades
Equip; Gates - individual lab grades
T1 - test one
T1r - test one re-do
ID grade Fpts HWpts Part Lpts Tpts Final HWave Part Lave Tave 1all 2:etc 3:1-4 3:17, 4:12etc 6:all 7:all 8:all 9:all HWsum HWave Equip Gates 7seg Lport Add FPGA Xilinx Flip Bono Blinky Sntrxx Lsum Lave T1 T1r T1a T2 T3
1975 73.56 0.00 11.43 6.00 18.77 37.36 0 81.62 100 75.08 83.03 48 46 40 8 41 29 40 40 10 302 81.62 9.6 7 14 6.5 8 7.5 7.5 7 6 12 5 90.1 75.08 65 93 79 83 112
2420 89.18 0.00 13.74 6.00 24.38 45.07 0 98.11 100 97.50 99.99 80 48 35 10 50 50 40 40 10 363 98.11 9.5 10 19.5 10 8 7.5 7.5 10 10 20 5 117 97.50 99 100 99.5 105 126
2512 85.60 0.00 12.83 6.00 23.75 43.02 0 91.62 100 95.00 95.61 74 48 40 7 37 43 40 40 10 339 91.62 9.5 10 17 8.5 10 7.5 7.5 10 10 19 5 114 95.00 93 98 95.5 102 118
4641 66.53 0.00 3.56 6.00 21.52 35.45 0 25.41 100 86.08 78.79 46 48 94 25.41 10 9.8 18 8.5 8 7.5 7.5 7 7 15 5 103.3 86.08 82 82 82 83 95
5489 83.81 0.00 12.86 6.00 24.38 40.57 0 91.89 100 97.50 90.15 72 45 35 6 50 42 40 40 10 340 91.89 9.5 10 19.5 10 8 7.5 7.5 10 10 20 5 117 97.50 87 98 92.5 91 114
5490 73.86 0.00 6.32 6.00 21.52 40.02 0 45.14 100 86.08 88.94 57 44 20 46 167 45.14 10 9.8 18 8.5 8 7.5 7.5 7 7 15 5 103.3 86.08 91 100 95.5 95 103
7211 73.01 0.00 12.41 6.00 21.67 32.93 0 88.65 100 86.67 73.18 67 44 40 7 43 37 40 40 10 328 88.65 9.5 10 17 8.5 10 7.5 7.5 10 19 5 104 86.67 58 97 77.5 80 84
7694 72.32 0.00 6.43 6.00 21.98 37.91 0 45.95 100 87.92 84.24 75 50 45 170 45.95 10 9.5 20 9 8 7.5 7.5 10 7 12 5 105.5 87.92 90 90 90 90 98
7829 82.62 0.00 13.32 6.00 21.98 41.32 0 95.14 100 87.92 91.82 76 46 35 10 45 50 40 40 10 352 95.14 10 9.5 20 9 8 7.5 7.5 10 7 12 5 105.5 87.92 76 94 85 100 118
8029 61.87 0.00 4.92 6.00 18.77 32.18 0 35.14 100 75.08 71.52 40 40 40 10 130 35.14 9.6 7 14 6.5 8 7.5 7.5 7 6 12 5 90.1 75.08 68 96 82 59 95
9700 87.93 0.00 12.83 6.00 24.38 44.73 0 91.62 100 97.50 99.39 80 50 40 10 49 40 30 40 339 91.62 10 10 19 10 8 7.5 7.5 10 10 20 5 117 97.50 98 98 98 100 130
9733 78.23 0.00 12.60 6.00 22.81 36.82 0 90.00 100 91.25 81.82 80 45 40 10 48 30 30 40 10 333 90.00 10 10 19 10 8 7.5 10 10 20 5 109.5 91.25 68 100 84 83 103
ID grade Fpts HWpts Part Lpts Tpts Final HWave Part Lave Tave 1all 2:etc 3:1-4 3:17, 4:12etc 6:all 7:all 8:all 9:all HWsum HWave Equip Gates 7seg Lport Add FPGA Xilinx Flip Bono Blinky Sntrxx Lsum Lave T1 T1r T1a T2 T3