Dr. Kim Hannula
Professor of Geoscience


Contact info:

Email: hannula_k@fortlewis.edu

Phone: (970) 247-7463

Office: 2782 Sitter Family Hall

Mail: Department of Geosciences

Fort Lewis College

1000 Rim Drive

Durango, CO 81301



B.A. (Geology) - Carleton College (1989)

Ph.D. (Geology) - Stanford University (1993)

Within the major, I teach courses in Structural Geology and Field Geology.

I am fascinated by mountains. That's why I'm a geologist, and that's why I study structural geology and tectonics. I have worked in northwestern Alaska, on rocks that have been down a subduction zone (and back); in Vermont, on faulting that occurred during intrusion of a granite pluton; and in Colorado, on deformation and metamorphism of the Vallecito Conglomerate. My current undergraduate students are working on faults in Lisbon Valley, Utah and on bends in the Hogback Monocline, west of Farmington, NM.