GL 1075 Earth Systems Science

K. Hannula

Discussion questions for 10/22/07

1.  Define:

2.  What is porosity?  Which types of rocks and sediment commonly have high porosity?

Porosity is the percentage of open space in a rock.

Some sediments and rocks and their porosities:

Relatively high porosity:

Sediments: Gravel 25-40%
  Sand 30-50%
  Silt 35-50%
  Clay 35-80%
Rocks: Conglomerate 10-30%
  Sandstone 0-30%
  Limestone (with caves) up to 50%
  Volcanic rocks 0-50%

Low porosity:

Sediments: Glacial till (poorly sorted, from clay to boulders) 10-20%
Rocks: Shale 0-30%
  Limestone without caves 0-20%
  Plutonic igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks 0-5%

3.  What is permeability?  Which types of rocks and sediment commonly have high permeability?

Permeability is the ability of rock to transmit water.  (Water flows more quickly through rock with high permeability.)

Sediments with relatively high permeability include:

Rocks with relatively high permeability include:

4.  Name two rocks or sediments that have high porosity but low permeability.

5.  What causes groundwater to flow?  (Be prepared to draw the direction of groundwater flow from a sketch of the groundwater table.)

Groundwater flows because of 1) gravity (flow from high elevation to low elevation) and 2) water pressure (flows from high pressure to low pressure -- this can allow groundwater to flow up, towards a well, for instance.)