GL 107 Earth Systems Science

K. Hannula

Discussion questions for 12/3/07

1.  How is "climate" different from "weather"?

2. Look at Fig. 20.6 in your textbook. Why is the Atacama Desert on the west coast of South America, and the Patagonian Desert on the east coast of South America? Explain the reasons why the other deserts of the world exist where they do.

3. Give one example of a positive feedback mechanism (a natural process that makes temperatures rise faster than they otherwise would) and a negative feedback mechanism (a natural process that slows the increase in temperature).

4. Out of the following sources of energy, which release carbon dioxide? (Petroleum, coal, natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, solar.) What are the pros and cons (including, but not restricted to, CO2 release) associated with using each energy source? Could any of those pros and cons change through time?

5. If you wanted to be "carbon-neutral," how would you have to change the way you live?