Box 1. U.S. Budget Entities

House and Senate Budget Committees: These committees take the lead in drafting the annual budget resolution and monitor the progress of appropriations to ensure that spending plans are in accordance with limits set by the resolution.

House and Senate Appropriations Committee: These committees have jurisdiction over deciding spending levels for all discretionary programs (defense, education, etc.).

House Ways and Means Committee: This committee has jurisdiction over taxes and most mandatory programs (such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid).

Senate Finance Committee: The counterpart to House Ways and Means, this committee has jurisdiction over taxes and most mandatory programs (such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid ).  The Constitution requires that any legislation that generates revenue must originate in the House. 

Congressional Budget Office: A non-partisan office created by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to analyze the effects of selected policy options on the budget.  CBO’s reports on the costs of legislation have great influence in Congress.  They also publish studies on the economic outlook, review the economic effects of federal spending, and prepare studies on budget options for Congress.

Office of Management and Budget: The budget office of the President works with agencies to coordinate spending requests that become part of the Administration’s budget. OMB develops and submits the budget to Congress and works to advocate for the President’s spending and revenue priorities.  They also monitor the spending of federal funds once budgets are enacted.

Government Accountability Office: As the investigative arm of Congress, GAO monitors spending and progress of federal programs during and after given fiscal years. 

Joint Committee on Taxation: Established in 1926, the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) is a non-partisan unit of Congress that assists both houses on matters related to tax legislation.  They help write tax law and generate Congress’s official revenue estimates of these proposals.


Source: Peter G. Peterson Foundation: