Astronomy Lab

Home Page

Last Page Update 9/6/13

Grades - Labs only.  I will try to keep this link updated regularly. Check it often.

Schedule - When we will meet in class and when we won't.

General Information:

Lab Room: Berndt Hall 610 or various
Class Times: Various

Charles L. Hakes
Office : Berndt 630
Office phone: 247-7242 (However, this is not the best way to contact me.)
My class schedule
e-mail: (This is the best way to contact me)

Web Site:

Grading notes:

Your lab grade will be combined with your lecture grade at the end of the semester.  All outside of class assignments, including your "report" lab must be turned in the week before the last week of classes.

For a "perfect" lab score, you should accumulate 120 points during the semester.  There are two "groups" of labs - "inside" and "outside" labs.  You must get 60 points from each group.  20 points for each group MUST come before mid-term, as a maximum of 40 points for each group will be awarded after mid-term.  You can keep accumulating points until you have the grade you want.  If you get more than 60 points in either group, any "extra" points will go towards reducing the value of your final exam.  When points show up on the lecture site, they will be scaled by 25%, so those 60 points in each group are worth 15% of your overall grade.

You must obey the following guidelines on all assignments, or potentially lose points (typically 1 point per infraction):

So... if you turn in an unstapled paper with spiral notebook fringes, only write your first name, write your lecture section time, and use a hot pink pen to write with, don't expect very many points!


These are divided into three categories: in-class projects, outside with-class projects, and outside small group projects.  If there is no link to the assignment, you will receive the material in class.  If there is some special project you would like to do, please see me during office hours.

Inside Labs

These are (mostly) in-class projects.  You need 60 points from this group for full credit (15% of overall grade).

Outside Labs

These are (mostly) outside projects.  Some are with the class and some are with your lab group.  Sign up sheets for all outside of class activities will be posted on my office door.  You need 60 points from this group for full credit (15% of overall grade).

The following group projects require a lab report.  You need to do at least one of these to get full credit.  Your grade will be from your observations and data (10 points) and from the quality of your lab report (10 points).  For information on your Lab Report, look here :